Flaws in Perfection

Does it ever feel like everything around you is out of place?? You feel lonely among familiar faces. Everything seems wrong to you. You see flaws in perfection.
You don’t feeling like talking, but you don’t feel like staying silent either. You just feel like rolling up into a ball and crying, but then that just makes everything worse. You need to get all that negativity out of you, but there doesn’t seem to be a right way to do it. The only thoughts that enter your mind are those of self pity. When you think of why you are this lost, you find plenty of reasons. But none of them significant enough to put you down in the dumps in this way. It is just, all of the little things, all those things which seem insignificant on their own that add up and come out like this. As a fit of anger, and sometimes even tears down your cheeks.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is acknowledge your emotions. Realise that you’re unhappy, realise that you don’t really know why, and that it’s absolutely fine to be that way. Realise that you’re a work in progress and that you weren’t born to be perfect, to be cheerful forever and always overlook the bad. Sometimes you’ve been strong for too long, and all you need is for someone to understand. Someone to listen to your rants, to accept you for you with your flaws and imperfections. You have to realise that, being broken isn’t wrong.
And when you understand that, everything becomes simpler. You wait for yourself to heal, and move on with life. You’ll understand that people cannot expect you to be forever cheerful, because you were born to grow and learn, to work your way to the top not start up there. And without these expectations you’ll be a happier person.
” No one is perfect, that’s why pencils have erasers”

8 thoughts on “Flaws in Perfection

  1. Dear Sandhya, that was wonderfully thoughtful! Your insight about simply acknowledging your emotions reminded me how often people, both adults and children, don’t. Keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Sandhya, super awesome writing. And yes, we all do have times when we feel low and can’t explain why. As you said, it is only when we accept that it is ok to be like that can we move on with life. Keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

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