I miss you

I gave poetry a shot, and I think this might be worth putting out there 🙂

You always catch me by surprise
Dropping by when I least expect it-
In the middle of work when my mind wanders
At lunch between spoonsful of food
At night when the silence is loud.
I miss you.

You always catch me by surprise
Dropping by when I least expect it-
When someone uses a phrase you used to
When they have the same infection in their voice
When I listen to a song you used to love
Or when I eat your favorite food.
I miss you.

I thought it wouldn’t hurt anymore
That it would’ve made sense by now
That I would’ve made my peace with it
And realised you’re not coming back
But it only seems to get harder.
I miss you- did I mention that?

There’s this weight
Like a slightly heavy bag on my shoulders
Like a veil of grey over everything I see
I still go to the same places
Still see the same things.
But it all feels dampened now
Cushioned in some way.
I can take the bag off,
Move the veil out of the way
But I don’t think it’ll ever be the same again.

I’d like to put the bag down,
Take a breather.
But I’m scared I’ll forget it was ever there
I’m scared I’ll move on without it.

So for now I’m okay
I’m okay with the weight,
And the tint of grey that covers my world
Because that seems to be the only way I experience your loss
And I don’t ever want that to go away.
I miss you- I’ll never stop saying that.

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